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Images I Like

I have a folder on my computer desktop called Junk Drawer. These are the images that end up in there. I don't know where most of them come from. I add to this occasionally. New pics will be at the top!

If you are the origin of an image and want a link back or would like me to remove it just let me know.

Screenshot from a "This is what you look like based on your meds" tik tok. I like this picture

Screenshot from an old DOS game I played as a child.

An oldie but a goodie.

Some screenshots from the recently found DOS beta build of Creatures 1 (of the Creatures artificial life sim games) I prefer this look of the Norns to what we ended up with. I'm kind of obsessed with them.

I just really like this picture of Santa Claus.

Your friend and mine.

I think a dragon would like these.

A tiny cameo I made in my best friend's Hourly Comics Day comic. You can read it here: link

These are my Stardew Valley opinions. No I will not be taking questions.

A shitty digital pet I had as a wee child in the 90s.

I wanna put these in my mouth.

Over on tumblr, my Likes page has these images at the very very end of my like history. The bird and the blood spatter tutorial actually won't let me delete them. I've tried. The stuffed animals I just like to see when I'm done emptying out my likes into the various blogs I want to put them on. They're the end days crew. They're also in a band. And gay.

I just really like the colors in this picture.

Self portrait I did in MS paint with a mouse while drunk.

Look at this fucked up bathroom my friend found on tumblr.

This one comes around on tumblr every few years and it has such an energy. I always spend a long time looking at this one.

I really want this pan with high sides.


Nick Sanders, 2024