Creatures & Creatures 3

I love these artifical life sim games. I tried to make a little blog over at Albia Underground but it never really took off.

My Favorite Mods


Creatures 1

The Sheif is a COB that puts a small room, invisible to Norns, right under the beehives, tucked safely away in the wall. The Sheif is made by Slink and can be downloaded here!


DS / C3

I’m very sensitive to the “yucky” sounds Muco makes. If you are too, this mod is for you.

Silent Muco was made by Nirax and can be downloaded here!


DS ? C3

C1toDS includes two teleporters that can teleport Norns between the Ark and Albia. You can pick these up and arrange them at your leisure. It also includes the old menu including the hatchery, favorite places, creature’s view, and a panorama of Albia.

All your old favorites are there and most of them have a new twist–you can pick them up! The organ in the temple, the teleporters, even the incubator itself can be rearranged to your desires. Click around and see what comes unglued! It also includes a lot of C1 COBS created by the community like a fridge that opens and closes and a dispenser that creates infinite smashable jugs. The carrot beetles hop around in the garden and the butterflies flutter through the greenhouse with their caterpillars inching along on the ground. The water spout works and can entertain young Creatures for ages. The original music features as well. It’s over all really nice.

C1toDS is created by Lacota and their team and can be downloaded at the Eemfoo Archives here!. If you need a little help finding the files, here are the links to them:

Patch < Apply This First

My Favorite Breeds



When the Creatures 0 prototype was found, I lost my god damned mind. THIS IS WHAT THE IDEAL NORN LOOKS LIKE TO ME. They make some freaky babies with the other breeds though. This is the second time I've fallen in love with a digital chicken.

You can find Boids at EemFoo, HERE.

Creatures Blog


Today I set out to see if I could get some color mutations in my norns. I'd seen my friend Sarah do the experiment before but didn't know too many details about it. I just decided to flood the world with Bengals and see what happened.

I started this project in the Docking Station, but the Bengals quickly got crowded and really depressed. I installed the Exo metaroom and populated it with some food and toys and moved them all there. Their population EXPLODED. For the first time in a long time I was actually seeing elderly Norns. I rarely see multiple generations in my playthroughs.

I kept this world running in the background while I hung out on discord.

This guy died in a weird postion.

Finally got my first morph! This little yellowy guy. I almost didn't spot him because his coat blends in with the elderly Bengals. Sadly, he grew out of this color and became an orange adult. Oh, well! I still call the experiment a success.