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I have always loved the paranormal. I spent my middle and highschool years grilling my friends and relatives and random people for ghost stories. I browsed Ghoststudy.com (RIP) regularly and ANY ghost show on tv (Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Real Ghost Stories, Scariest Places on Earth, ec...) would have me glued to the screen. I loved reading the homepage for the Jersey Devil Hunters Society and reading people's personal pages about hauntings they experienced. I also loved ghost photos. I've never had a paranormal experience myself though.

The closest I've ever come was finding a minecraft house in my singleplayer world that I didn't build and this was BEFORE villages. But I think it was just part of a snapshot they released that would spawn them even though I couldn't find anything about that when I looked it up. I COULD BE WRONG but it's still my little story. Scared the pants off me, haha.

ANYWAY. I thought I would continue my habit of pestering others for their supernatural experiences here on my website in the form of this page! If you've had an experience you're willing to share, just include your story, your name, and where the story happened in an email sent to: dogdotexe.zonelets@gmail.com! I'll post it here for everyone to read. Looking forward to hearing from you!


Nick Sanders, 2024