Hi there, I'm Wolfy! I also go by Crownless, Crash, or Nick Sanders! I'm an artist and a writer and this is my personal online home! It's a loveletter to my ancient angelfire site from the 90s and an ever-evolving project. Here you will find my creative works, hobbies, and anything that captures my attention. I use this place to learn how to become a better web designer and express myself. I hope you'll stay a while and have a look around!

Other/ Less-Used Sites
Twitter | Pillowfort | DeviantArt | Art Instagram

@ The Crownless

Read My Book: The Dogtrot Murder!!!

When Maurice Hutch, a budding mechanic with a small drinking problem, finds himself turned into a vampire, his whole world is turned upside down. A sudden string of grisly murders haunts the town and the residents (including the local vampires) are looking for someone to blame. Maurice has to swap gears fast if he wants to keep his relationships, his job, and on the right side of the dirt.

Enjoy witty turns of phrase and dozens of illustrations by debut author Nick Sanders!

Available in E-BOOK and PAPERBACK!