I've been needing a non-screen hobby for a while now for, like, my mental health. I've just been so jaded when it comes to making traditional art. I tried knitting for a while, but it just didn't scratch the itch. Someone I know does crochet and I watch her work most days. My grandmother used to crochet too and she'd make all kinds of things like flowers and doilies and even some "cat dolls" for me when I was little. I never tried to learn it because it looked so complicated. But lately I've been seeing some crochet kits with really cute stuff and I wanna make those things!

Earlier in the week I grabbed a kit, but when I got it home the instructions were clearly for somebody who knew all the crochet terms--not a newbie like me. So, today I went to a different store after checking for beginner friendly kits online and this is where I met The Crochet Fairy.

We met as our carts passed in the yarn aisle. I moved over a little to let them pass after making sure they were coming down the aisle. They said something like "yes, I crochet!" and then I said "Oh, I'm about to start learning!" And then we stood and talked for like fifteen or so minutes about crochet and getting started in the hobby. They showed me how each ball of yarn has what gague needle you need to work with it on the lable and then pointed me to a beginner friendly yarn that's made of a single strand. I thanked them a bunch and grabbed some pretty yarn and an 8mm needle.

This is the yarn I chose. I wish this style of yarn had some solid colors, but I can always look online. Next, I watched this video and learned how to hold my needle and yarn and how to make a chain. Seemed simple enough! Then I watched the next video and hit a temporary wall. Instead of watching it all the way through before starting, I was crocheting along with the teacher and didn't really understand what my steps were building towards. I managed to get three rows and ended up with this:

Womp womp.

However I am stubborn and I KNEW there was just something I wasn't getting. I watched and rewatched the video until I learned that I was building a foundation for future stitches. Once that clicked I was able to make my first granny square!

It's a little lopsided, but it's finished! After that I made a little necklace for Wander.

Pizza Pasta

I found this recipe in this youtube video and decided to try it out today!


Just make the pasta according to the box and dump all the other shit in there. I guess technically it's just spaghetti with pepperoni and mozzarella but it felt new enough to make the good slime in my brain.