I was on another blog when I saw this fun quiz/meme/template/whatever you wanna call it! I used to fill these out back in the day and never thought of doing one on my own website! So here we goooooooo!

Why did you make the blog in the first place?

Because I love to hear myself talk lmao. I have always loved online blogging ever since I found out it was a thing you can do. I used to read peoples' personal blogs back in the geocities and angelfire days and I would check my favorite pages daily. I wanted to be a part of that. I keep paper journals (though I haven't written in them lately or done ANYTHING traditional) but online journals just have this zing to them that I love. I love pictures and links and you can find out such cool things on someone's personal blog.

What platform are you using to manage your blog and why did you choose it?

I'm currently using Zonelets on a neocities page! I love how customizable the engine is and how it manages the archrive. There is somem fiddling to it but I LIKE the fiddly part. Makes me feel like a real webmaster lol.

Have you blogged on other platforms before?

Oh yes! I think my oldest blog was a bloop diary or a xanga back in highschool. Then I got onto livejournal and used that quite regularly for several years. I had a blogspot/blogger (can't remember) at one point that I updated pretty often. I eventually moved to tumblr to talk about my life and interests. Then I stopped posting to tumblr save for art and shitposts. I never know what to talk about on there and tumblr is such a PVP zone that I am afraid to have opinions ahaha. I do a little microblogging on places like bluseky, mastodon, and plurk, but I think QW is the final resting place of my blog.

Do you write your posts directly in the editor or in another software?

It changes from day to day. I USUALLY write my blog posts right in the neocities page editor which is why I have so many mispelled words. Sometimes I'll write them in Notion.

When do you feel most inspired to write?

Late at night or early in the morning!

Do you publish immediately after writing or do you let it simmer a bit as a draft?

I smash SEND on that bad boy right away!

Your favorite post on your blog?

The QW blog is so new (only six posts so far) that I don't have a favorite.

Any future plans for your blog? Maybe a redesign, changing the tag system, etc...?

I just really wanna get in the routine of blogging every week because I know Future Wolfy will LOVE to have it to look back on.