Some random life updates from Wolfy!

A client at work taught me how to make somer eally good sliders!

Put 'em together and then stick them in the oven (350f) for like three minutes to melt the cheese. It makes the buns crisp up nicely. You could also spread a little butter over the top but I'm too lazy to melt it.

I also made macaroni and cheese with real cheese for the first time this week! It was just boxed kraft mac with cheddar shreds added into the powder but ALSO a splash of fairlife milk!! I recently found I can drink ultra filtered milk without feeling super sick so I've been eating the shit out of cereal.

I have started playing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! Elegedly I have tried to play this game two other times. The first time I have zero memory of. The second time, I was experiencing psychosis and applying all these weird rules to my run (not even a nuzlocke type thing) and apparantly hated Wally? Little sick boy Wally? What was his crime...anyway I'm considerably more stable now so I'm having a normal one of it!

Started jotting down ideas for a story taking place in my Zahaho storyworld. No characters yet, just like "character A would do this and character B would do this".

I had a fun time playing MTG Arena with Sam! They very kindly held my hand and pounded me into the dirt at the same time XD I won one game though because I swapped from the green starter deck to the blue! I'm def gonna play this on my own time as well to earn coins. I need the redwall inspired cards SO SO bad.