20205-11-01-Snow-Day.html Blog Post

We got snow today! I was kind of worried it wouldn't end up snowing so I stayed up all night so I could watch it fall. Little southern towns totally shut down when there's snow and we got several inches. So no work, obviously. A snow day once in a while won't hurt. I stayed snuggled up in bed ALL DAY LONG and just played on my phone.

I had a weird issue with Neocities today--it started last night, actually. I was putting this zonelet blog togehter on my site and from about 10pm on, my connection could not connect to the neocities domain reliably. As I was editing, sometimes it would save and sometimes it wouldn't and I had to refresh a lot to see changes even after hard refreshing and now, as I write this, I cannot load ANY neocities sites. I have restarted my computer, browser, and router. Neocities is only available via Verizon hotspot on my phone. My internet is a little local service so SHRUG!!!

I had a good time with the guys on discord tonight! We all played I'm On Observation Duty 5 for the first time and SUCKED AT IT. We're on the school level.

Cool Stuff

CornHusks is an artist that draws beautiful Flight Rising dragons. You should go look.

3D Models of a few of the Flight Rising dragon breeds' heads. Contains a imgr folder with the head rotated at many many angles for artist reference.

Coq au Vin inspired 'stew' with mashed potatoes!
My friend Faye shared this recipe with me today and now I'm sharing it with you! The photos are hers as well.

What You need


Pour over mashed potatoes and enjoy!