


Wolfy is the name everyone knows me by. Over the years, I've taken on Crash, Crownless, and even my human name Nick Sanders, but it always comes back to Wolfy. But where did Wolfy start?

These are the oldest drawings of Deuteronomy I can find. She began life as my fursona and namesake, Wolfy. I know the others are in the attic but these were the very first I shared online. It was first posted on The Lion King Fan Art Archive. I drew them with my ancient Wacom tablet in Corel paint all on one layer.

This Wolfy took several traits from various Tim Burton characters that I liked. From Edward Scissorhands I took her wild hair and facial scars (they didn't last long) and from Jack Skellington I took her twiggy build and the ruff around her neck which was meant to resemble his bat bow tie. The stripes on her tail were Beetlejuice inspired.

She was always an undead wolf. Her colors have shifted only slightly over the years, and while not purposfully based on the maned wolf, that is what I decided she was after discovering them. I didn't know much about them at the time like their habitat or clade or general weirdness. I just saw the black mohawk and black legs on a reddish tan body and went OH ITS ME!!!!

The Fursona to OC Pipeline

I don't actually think I called Wolfy my fursona right away because I don't think I knew the word yet. She was just me. But that's what she was!Q In fact, here I will tell you the origin of the name Wolfy too! So, when I was in the 6th or 7th grade, my friend Ben invited me to join a Sailor Moon message board that he spent a lot of time on. I didn't really know what a message board was and didn't watch Sailor Moon so I wasn't really interested. But then he told me about something they did on it called ROLEPLAY. This was a time when I was REALLY missing playing pretend (struggling to be grown up and cool like all teenagers) and just getting into typing up stories, so to discover there was a place people still did that and it was COOL, I was so excited. I decided to be thematic so I signed up with the name Sailor Wolf. They other kids on the board started calling me SW and I was like OH BOY A NICKNAME :3 Eventually someone else whose username had the same initials signed up and we were like oh huh how to we know who we're talking about when we say SW and then somebody just sayd "Oh! We can just call you WOLFY". And the name has stuck. I am 37 at the time of writing this page.

Anyway, this was how the wolf thing started. I had a few wolf-like characters, and oh man you know what actually, I wanna show you my first real persona/self-insert type character! You're gonna love this.



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