


The entity known as CRASH.EXE was once a humble farm dog. In 1998, they fell through a wormhole that led to the internet. The rest is history.

I developed Crash in 2020 after I had an OCD spiral and crash (haha) regarding my other fursona, Crownless. The official start was when I started getting introduced in certain adult communities and thought of developing a persona to go along with the headspace required for such an activity. However, it seemed too far of a stretch to me for a person to pretend to be a deer that was pretending to be a dog. That was just too many layers. So I set out to make something seperate. Crash VERY quickly lost that quality though and ended up a general use fursona.

Though I rarely draw it, Crash has always had two color palettes--one mundane and one fantastical. I'd almost always had fursonas with natural colors--or close to it. 2020 was a wild year for everybody and I decided to stretch outside my comfort zones and make what is known as a "Sparkle Dog" and had more fun that I could have imagined. The original idea was the more excited Crash got, the more colorful they would become. They started life as a boarder collie-like dog but soon morphed into the standard mutt. The shapes are easy for me to replicate and Crash honestly looks a little different every time I draw them.

The internet idea came about when I was finding their fantasy colors. I collected several vapor wave images and color picked from them. EventuallY remembered an old OS called Microsoft Bob and the colors in that really spoke to me. You can watch LGR's video on it HERE. It features a little dog as well. I also fondly remembered the little dog search buddy from I THINK Windows M.E.

They didn't look vaporwavy right away though. They just kind of looked like easter colors. But then I got the idea to duplicate the lineart and color one copy of it an aqua color and offset it JUST slightly. This gave Crash their signature look. I dubbed this The Blur. The Blur became an important part of their character.

Crash was meant to be wild as their colors. Loud and expressive and a little shitposty. Crash was supposed to do what the increasingly stoic Crownless could not. Crash also ended up with a body type much closer to mine. Being a deer, Crownless was always on the spindly side. It took a little while before I introduced them to one another. They share my traits back and forth fairly equally and act a little like a conscience that has to keep one another in check. Crash is more impulsive but Crownless is more prone to melencholy. Sometimes they switch. We go by vibse in this house. All you have to know is that both of them are me and they are in love.


Features of the CRASH.EXE program.

When drawn as an anthro, Crash has an afab body.

Crash does have a physical body as well when they are not online. The Blur may produce unnatural effects in their apperance.

Crash spends most of their time surfing the web and downloading themselves to other users' PCs to check out what they're up to. Think of them as spyware without the malicious intent. They're just curious!

The Blur
Crash has a turquoise aura. It is what allows them to upload themselves to the internet. It also manifests as a physical body on a different plane that can interact with ours. For example, Crash can manifest extra arms from The Blur and pick things up or some insect-like wings and fly. There have been instances wehre The Blur and Crash's body split and that's not a good thing.

Some vent art I drew one time.

Double Coat
Crash switches between two colors--the muted browns and creams and the vibrant pinks and blues. Crash may mute their colors to blend in among certain crowds, but their vibrant alt tends to still shine through in a glitchy effect.


Crash looks different every time I draw them and honestly, I really love that. I don't have to worry about being on-model and I think it helps trade partners/commissioners too.


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