GRANNYLABYRINTH![]() that's me!Guild Turn-Ins | Neo Favorites About Me| Links
Nov 9, 2023:
PROJECTSWorking on painting my Neosona. I'm currently going for rainbow. Trying to trade my King Coltzan Stamp. Working toward a Weekly Quest goal of a Kadoatie Working toward completing the tutorial in the Quest Log by painting a pet.
GOALS- Win Best of Species with each type of my pets.
CONTESTS AND PUBLICATIONSPicture Contest: Gelert Day (i need to hunt down the year so I can link it. Beauty Contest:
Neopian Times: -coming soon!
GUILD TURN-INSCurrently, I'm in the Ye Olde Neopia guild! My guild badges are HERE [DATE] Turn-Ins:
NEO FAVORITESGames - Destructomatch - Solitare Neopian Times
ABOUT MEI've been on Neopets for around twenty years. I spend my time reading the Neopian Times Editorial and doing the Quest Log. I fall in and out of phases where I'll be very active here and then not touch the site for months.
LINKSname | name | name Cool Neosites css/html |